The State of Denial

Would you agree that Denial’s State Bird has to be the rooster? I suppose there could be an argument for the ostrich, but the cock (made famous by his timely early morning crow that called out Peter on his 24 hour 180 from “I’d take a bullet for you” to “never met the guy”) gets my vote.


I’m about 2 months into a “through the Bible in a year” reading plan through YouVersion. I’ve read two Gospels while also reading Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. It’s a powerful combination. I’m often surprised by what strikes me on any given day. Earlier this week it was the passage that includes the Peter’s denial.

I wanted to defend the guy who at least was present. Everyone else was off hiding somewhere. It’s like Peter getting our finger wagging rebuke for taking His eyes off Jesus and sinking into the water when he is the only one who climbed out I’d the boat. I know, though, that Jesus’ rebuke is just. Mine, however, is hypocritical at best.

I found the passage pressing me t the crisis question: how do I deny even knowing Jesus myself? I was saddened and challenged by the list I began to generate even as I doodled.

I am, as ever, a woman in need of a Savior.

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